~IT Project Management or course code for this subject is INFO 3501 required taken by minor student of IRKHS. Like me, I have to register this subject for completing my minor degree of ICT. For the 1st time, I assumed that this class will be pressure because of the term of the ‘management’. I took this class at every Monday and Wednesday evening. Due to the time, of course this class will boring and feels sleepy. However, I must attend the class and I also want to know what will be discussing in class lessons. On 13th July 2009 is my 1st class for IT Project Management. I come early due to the class located far from my college. I can’t wait to know who will become my instructor for this class. ~
~Madam Masita is my instructor. Actually, she is a staff at Information Technology Department at IIUM. She is very kind hearted person I think for the 1st time I meet her. The 1st class, we just introduce ourselves to madam. She also brings in what the meaning of IT Project Management as well. At the beginning I assumed that this subject very difficult to score because the book that we asked to by is very thick and many terms that we must know. Madam Masita gives an advice “before come to the class we must take a few minutes to skimming the lessons”. ~
~Two month later, I’m very exciting come the class regarding to the topic or chapter will becoming interesting and challenging. An additional, madam Masita will make some games or quizzes to make the class happening and not feels sleepy. I like to involve because it will more interesting while increasing my knowledge about Project Management. For example, madam teaches how to manage time properly within a project schedule. It is important to know the network diagram and other tools for good project time management. ~
~There is a group project that we must complete. This project want to see how we handle the project based on what we have learned in class. My group project is E-lelong, as we a project manager and team work must know how to apply all the IT Project Management. For instance, apply which nine knowledge areas which are scope, cost, time, quality, human resources, risk, communication, procurement as well as integration. As well as complete we should to present it at final class. I have the best group project which lead by Mohd Faiz and the other members are Mohd Fadhli, Hadijah and Fadzilah. We give full cooperation to make our project achieved the successful. I assumed that, this subject is very important to know because it will apply when work in organization. ~
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
~templates anD toOls for pRojEct ManaGemeNt~
~you may search any templates or tools for help in serve good project management~
~just click this link:http://www.method123.com/~
~cHaPtEr 12:prOjEct ProcuReMenT manaGeMeNt~
~For the last chapter, it will discuss about project procurement management. It is very necessary to understand what the actual meaning of the procurement and also the importance of it. Other terms for procurement include purchasing and outsourcing goods or services from outside source. Outsource must implement because reduce both fixed and recurrent costs, allow the client organization to focus on its core business, access skills and technologies, provide flexibility and increase accountability. ~
~The project procurement management required six processes to obtain goods and services for a project from outside. There are six main processes: 1- Planning purchases and acquisitions. 2- Planning contracting. 3- Requesting seller responses. 4- Selecting sellers. 5- Administering the contract. 6- Closing the contract. All the stage of processes will have several tools and techniques to help project managers and their teams for example for planning purchases and acquisitions processes best tool like Make-or-Buy Analysis, expert judgment, and contract types. There are also uses the software which to assist in this project such: Word-processing software helps write proposals and contracts, spreadsheets help evaluate suppliers, databases help track suppliers, and presentation software helps present procurement-related information. E-procurement software does many requirement functions electronically. ~
~sample of Statement of Work (SOW) Template~
~cHaPtEr 11:prOjEct RisKs manaGeMeNt~
~Chapter 11 has discussed about project risk management that will includes the understanding of the importance of good project management risk. As noted, there is the art and science of identifying, analyzing, and as well as responding to risk throughout the life of a project. It also can help improve project by helping select good projects, determining project scope, and developing realistic estimates. For the actual, risk can be a negative risk and positive risk. Negative risk mentioned that the responsibility of loss or injury, while positive risk is the risk that result in good things happening and also called an opportunity. There are have six processes in project risk management which risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, risk monitoring and control. ~
~There is much software that is provided to assist in project risk management for example like risk register can be created in a simple word or excel for those who not have any experience to use sophisticated risk software. For the expert use, the sophisticated software that is provide to assist such as Monte Carlo simulation tools which help in analyzing project risk. Result of good project risk management: unlike crisis management, good project risk management often goes unnoticed. Well-run project appear to be almost effortless, but a lot of work goes into running a project well. Project manager should strive to make their jobs look easy to reflect the results of well-run projects. ~
~Sample Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Project Schedule~
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