Monday, August 31, 2009

~cHaPter 6:prOjeCt tiME mAnaGeMenT~

~chapter 6 has discussed about project management time. For the time management, we must understand the importance of the project schedule which is delivering projects on time as planned. Schedule issues are the main reason for conflicts on projects, especially during the second half of projects. Project Time Management Processes involved six important elements which are activity definition, activity sequencing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control. ~

~1-activity definition involves developing a more detailed WBS and supporting explanations to understand all the work. It will define the activity list, activity attributes as well as a milestone. 2-activity sequencing that reviewing activities and determining dependencies. We must determine dependencies in order to use critical path. There are two techniques for showing activity sequencing which are Activity on Arrow (AOA) network diagram also called Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) and Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). These two techniques have differences based o their showing activities. AOA or ADM will represent activities by arrows while PDM represent the activities by boxes. ~

~sample of AOA network diagram~

~sample of PDM network diagram~

~3-activity resource estimating focus on the recourse that will be use. A Resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical structure that identifies the project’s resources by category and type. 4-activity duration estimating focus on the duration and effort those will be use in activity projects. 5-schedule development will uses results of the other time management processes to determine the start and end date of the project. The goal is to create a realistic schedule that provides a basis for monitoring project progress. The tools and techniques include Gantt charts, critical path analysis, critical chain scheduling and PERT analysis. We also discussed more how to use and calculate the critical path in the project. 6-schedule control which performs reality checks on schedules. Techniques that include are progress reports, a schedule change control system and project management software. ~

~cHaPter 5:prOjecT scOpE manaGeMenT~

~for chapter 5, it has describing about the project Scope Management. We should to understand the important elements that make good project. There are five steps involved in which are scope planning, scope definition, creating the WBS, scope verification and scope control. The last two processes which are from the monitoring and controlling. ~

~Scope planning: the scope management plan is a document that includes description of how the team will prepare the project scope statement and create the WBS. Requirements include the project charter, preliminary scope statement, and project management plan. Scope definition: the basis that needs to create the project scope statement such the preliminary scope statement, project charter, organizational process assets and approved change request. Create WBS: A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in the project that defines the total scope of the project. There are several approaches to develop WBS like using guidelines, analogy approach, top-down approach, bottom-up approach and mind mapping approach. ~

~example of mind mapping approach to create WBS~

~Scope verification: it is involves acceptance of the completed project scope by the customer and sponsor. Scope control: involves controlling changes to the project scope. Project management software can be assist to help in creating WBS, the basis for task on a Gantt chart. ~

~cHaPter 4:prOjeCT intErGratiOn manAgEmenT~

~chapter 4 has covers the Project Integration Management Processes. Its describe an overall framework for this process as relates to the other project management knowledge areas as well as the project life cycle. Regarding for project integration management there are involved seven processes. First, develop the project charter which working with stakeholder to create the document that formally authorizes a project (the charter). Second, develop the preliminary project scope statement that working with users of the project’s products, services or result to develop the high –level scope requirements and create a preliminary project scope statement. These two processes come from initiation process in project management process groups. For the planning process, there is involved develop the project management plan that coordinating all planning efforts to create a consistent, coherent document which is the project management plan. Forth, direct and manage project execution which carrying out the project management plan by performing the activities involved in it. Next, the project must be monitor and control by project manager to overseeing project progress that meet the performance objectives of the project. Then, there must be perform integrated change control to coordinating changes that will be affected the project’s deliverables and organizational assets. Finally, finalize all the project activities to close the project. ~

~there are also covers the methods for selecting projects that very important to implement before select the best project includes: 1-focusing on broad organizational needs such it must be determined the three important criteria for projects like there is a need, funds must be available and strong will to make the project succeed. 2-categorizing IT projects whether the project addresses a problem, an opportunity and directive as well as the time is how long it will take to do. 3-performing financial analysis of projects such Net Present Value (NPV), Return on investment (ROI) and Payback analysis. 4-using a weight scoring model by identify the best criteria and assign the scores. 5-implemented a balanced scorecard which is a methodology that converts an organization’s value to a series of defined metrics. Business Service Management (BSM) is tools track the execution of business process flow. ~

Saturday, August 29, 2009

~cHaPteR 3:thE prOjeCT mAnaGemEnT ProcEsS grOups:A caSe sTudy~

~chapter 3 have describe briefly about process groups in project management. We need to know and understand the typical level of activity for each group as well as the interaction between them. This chapter have include how the project management process groups relate to the project management knowledge areas that we discussed earlier at chapter 2. There will be a case study that applying the project management process groups to manage an information technology projects.~

~process means a series of actions directed towards a particular result. The five important process groups which start with INITIATING processes, PLANNING processes, EXECUTING processes, MONITORING and CONTROLLING processes and end with CLOSING processes. Among the processes groups, note that there are activities from EACH knowledge areas under the PLANNING and MONITORING and CONTROLLING processes. All INITIATING activities are includes in project integration management knowledge area.~

~a case study that applying the processes groups is JWD Consulting's Project Management Intranet Site. Start with project INITIATION is to recognizes and starts a new project. Key outputs are:1-assigning the project manager 2-identifying key stakeholders 3-business case 4-project charter. Followed by project PLANNING is to guide execution. Key outputs such a team contract and WBS. Then, project EXECUTION to ensure that activities in the project plan are completed. Key output for this process is a milestone report. For project MONITORING and CONTROLLING there is involves measuring progress toward project objectives and taking correction actions. Outputs like performance reports and requested changes. Ends this project with project CLOSING which focus on obtaining customer acceptance of the final products and services. Key outputs are lessons learned and part of organizational process assets. There ia also must be a final report and presentation.~

~cHaPter 2: the ProJect ManAgeMent & IT coNteXt~

~chapter 2 that i have learned about the organization which including the four frames, there are structural frame when focus on roles and responsibilities, secondly is human resources frame focus on harmony between the needs of both the organization and the people. Thirdly is political frame which the conflict and power are the key issues. Lastly is symbolic frame that focus on symbols and meanings related to events. The three sphere model for system management have discussed in this chapter. Business, organization, and technology are the three sphere for system management.~
~i also have learned about the organizational structure, there are three types of organizational structure: 1-functional: functional managers reports to the CEO

2-project: program managers report to the CEO

3-matrix: mixes from functional and project organization structure

~in this chapter, i need to understand the organizational culture also is a set of shared assumtions, values, and behaviors the functioning of an organization. There is also have been discussed the project phases and the projcet life cycle that includes four phases:1-concept 2-development 3-implementation and 4-close-out. products also have their life cycles, the SDLC (system development life cycle) is a framework that describe the phases involved in developing and maintaining IS.~
~IT projects be very diverse based on size, complexity, product produced, application area, and resource requirements. IT project also diverse the background and skill sets of team members, the technology in IT projects diverse and change rapidly.~

~cHapteR 1:inTroduCtion tO proJect maNagemenT~

~according to this chapter,we must focus on the needs for the better project management. There is also important to know what the means by project. Project means "a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result".The project is different with operation which operation is work done to sustain business. We need to know the attributes of the project such as unique purpose and requires resources from various areas. VoIP, Outsourcing, Data networking, CRM are several example of Top Ten Technology Projects in 2006. Successful project will achieved when meeting all three goals which are Scope, Time and Cost. They are also called The Triple Three Constraint of Project Management.~

~What is project management? Project Management define as "the application of knowledge, skill, tools, and techniques to project activities to obtain project requirements". Project stakeholder is very important to built the kind of project. Stakeholder means the people who involved in or affected by projects activities. There are such of Stakeholder that will manage the projects like the project Sponsor, the project manager, the project Team, support staff as well as the customer and the user.~

~This cahpter also include Nine Project Management Knowledge Areas that are from four core knowledge areas lead to specific project objectives (scope,time,cost and quality), four faciliting knowledge areas which the project objectives are achieved (human resources, communication, risk, and procurement management) and lastly is project integration management as one knowledge area that is affected by all of other knowledge areas. There is include the technique and tools to assist project manager in managing the project for example tools includes are Project Charter, Scope Statement, WBS use in Scope management process. Gantt Chart, network diagram, Critical Path Analysis, and critical chain scheduling will use in Time management process. In Cost management process there is estimated and earned valued management that will assist project manager.~

~There is describe the differences between project management and project portfolio management. Project management applied tactical goals while the project portfolio management applied the strategic goals which focus on long term goals. Project manager will plays the important role like planning,scheduling as well as coordinating and they must be have importnat skill such as leadership, listening, verbal communication, strong at building teams. Different skill needed in different situation or project that will be manage. When large project, there must be applied various skill. There are much more different software or product will be assist in performing project management. We may choose based on three categories of tools like low-end tools, midrange tools and high-end tools also called enterprise management software. We may search this tool at