Saturday, August 29, 2009

~cHaPteR 3:thE prOjeCT mAnaGemEnT ProcEsS grOups:A caSe sTudy~

~chapter 3 have describe briefly about process groups in project management. We need to know and understand the typical level of activity for each group as well as the interaction between them. This chapter have include how the project management process groups relate to the project management knowledge areas that we discussed earlier at chapter 2. There will be a case study that applying the project management process groups to manage an information technology projects.~

~process means a series of actions directed towards a particular result. The five important process groups which start with INITIATING processes, PLANNING processes, EXECUTING processes, MONITORING and CONTROLLING processes and end with CLOSING processes. Among the processes groups, note that there are activities from EACH knowledge areas under the PLANNING and MONITORING and CONTROLLING processes. All INITIATING activities are includes in project integration management knowledge area.~

~a case study that applying the processes groups is JWD Consulting's Project Management Intranet Site. Start with project INITIATION is to recognizes and starts a new project. Key outputs are:1-assigning the project manager 2-identifying key stakeholders 3-business case 4-project charter. Followed by project PLANNING is to guide execution. Key outputs such a team contract and WBS. Then, project EXECUTION to ensure that activities in the project plan are completed. Key output for this process is a milestone report. For project MONITORING and CONTROLLING there is involves measuring progress toward project objectives and taking correction actions. Outputs like performance reports and requested changes. Ends this project with project CLOSING which focus on obtaining customer acceptance of the final products and services. Key outputs are lessons learned and part of organizational process assets. There ia also must be a final report and presentation.~